creation vs. evolution

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Creationism vs. Evolution The majority of people in this world believe that a spiritual being created earth. In fact, "most religions and cultures believe the universe was created by a 'creative hand,' either a sky god or some other physical object" (Encarta 1). Think of it, as a trial to see which will win, creation or evolution. It has been the most argued debate in all of history, but creationism is more logical than evolution. …

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…is not possible for something to come from nothing. So that something, that existence came from God, the Creator. Works Cited Befe, Dr. Michael. "The Evolution of a Skeptic." The Real Issue. --: Leadership U., 1197. Encarta. "Creation." Microsoft Corp., 1998. Encarta. "Evolution." Microsoft Corp., 1998. Holy Bible. King James Version. Camden, New Jersey: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972. Infopedia. "Darwin, Charles Robert." Softkey Multimedia Inc., 1996. LaPointe, Doug. Top Evidences Against the Theory of Evolution. Lakewood, New Jersey: Calvary Academy, 1995.