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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Actions and Effects of Creatine Throughout time, humans have had a fascination with being excellent at what they do, and athletics have been no exception. Many substances exist, and many have been criticized and analyzed for their safety, legality, and morality for athletes. With the banning of steroids from competitive sports, and the implementation of random drug testing in most sports, most athletes, professional, recreational, and would-be professionals are hoping to gain an edge. More …

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…View On Creatine. Scholastic Coach & Athletic Director, 68(4), 12-13. Bamberger, Michael. (1998). The Magic Potion. Sports Illustrated, 88(16), 58-61. Gutfeld, Greg. (1997). Stir up some muscle. Men's Health, 12(4), 90-92. Murphy, Dee. (2000). What you should know about creatine. Current Health 2, 26(6), 13-14. Nutrition Forum. (1999). IOC Considers Creatine a Food. 16(2), 9-10. Rose, Verna L. (1998). Creatine Supplementation. American Family Physician, 58(7), 1691. Sahelian, Ray. (2000). Creatine - Just the FAQ's Ma'am. Better Nutrition, 62(5), 26-27. Suggs, Welch. (1998). Creatine pays off despite health warnings. Denver Business Journal, 49(42), 17a.