comp death of sale and fences

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the plays Death of a Salesmen and Fences the two main characters Willy and Troy respectively, search for the American Dream. The American Dream is something that all-American citizens undergo and it is the hope for a better life. Though both people want the American dream, they both defeat themselves in different ways. Willy defeated himself by fearing the success that would come from the American dream. Troy the other hand, defeated himself with …

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…he could have accomplished and given up on his dream. The American dream was a strong theme in both plays. In Fences Troy wants to encounter the American dream, but in the process he defeated himself. The same holds true for Willy from Death of a Salesman by defeating himself by his fare of success. These two plays while not having a lot in common hold one thing in common the search for the dream.