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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Change of Character in Comedies In a comedy, one of the key goals of a playwright is to thoroughly portray character as a sort of mirror to the audience. This is in hopes that they will learn from the characters and have a good time doing so. Shakespeare does this by showing "the ugly and the ridiculous" by comparison. He creates distinct personalities, like the wise fool, who is silly yet knows most about …

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…person who can subdue Kate, and she fears loneliness more than marriage. Her submission is a choice that she makes between living happily with someone whom she respects and possibly marrying someone who she would dominate. These choices and last-minute revelations are what make the close-to-tragedy comedies happy. They come close to tragedy to teach a lesson and give the audience possible insight into one's own character. These relationships do just that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none