colonists 2

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Essay Database > History
Britain had a new policy when it came to it's colonies. All they had to do was inforce the laws they already had, not make new ones. George Greenville, Britains Prime Minister from 1763 to 1765, didn't realize this. To raise money for Britain after the expensive French and Indian war, they decided to tighten control on the colonies The Proclamation of 1763 was the first of five laws passed to accomplish this new goal. This "proclamation" reserved …

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…an infringement on the rights of "British Citizens" and represented a removal of colonial self government. It is now apparent with these new laws the citizens of the 13 colonies felt violated and used. They did not feel they were properly represented in parliament nor that the king should have any right to oppose restrictions on them each time a new law was passed, more resentment and anger would increase thus was born the American Revolution.