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Essay Database > Literature > English
By 1875 European possessions in Africa consisted of some forts and trading posts along the coast and a few tiny colonies. Between 1880 and 1910, however, Africa was divided up among the Europeans. For the next 50 years decisions affecting Africa and its people were made not in Africa, but in London, Paris, Lisbon and other European capitals. France acquired a huge empire in North and West Africa. Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Mali and other areas in …

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…government was independent except in foreign and economic affairs. After the discovery of diamonds in 1867 Griqualand West, which was claimed by the South African Republic, Britain renewed its expansionist policy into Boer territory, declaring Basutoland a protecterate in 1868. They also reimposed British rule over the South African Republic in 1877. Two years later a war ended the Zulu threats in Natal. When Africaners successfully took up arms against the British in 1881, South Africa was allowed semi-independence.