clearwater aquarium

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a great place to find aquatic life. It has an abundance of live sea life such as, sea turtles, dolphins, otters, and a variety of native Florida fish. The Clearwater Aquarium is a educational tool to the public about aquatic life as well a hospital to sick and injured marine animals. There are three permanent resident sea turtles that live at the aquarium they are logger head sea turtles. The …

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…animals. There are three permanent resident sea turtles that live at the aquarium they are logger head sea turtles. The aquarium also tends to three other species of sea turtles. They are green, hawksbill, and ridley sea turtles. The most common sea turtle among our beaches is the logger head sea turtle. They are offin found laying their eggs on the beaches. ick or caught in fishing traps. at the at the aquarium ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**