chivalric heroism

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rosa Parks: Angry Bus Rider Rosa Parks was tired. She'd just spent all day sewing and pressing clothes at the Montgomery, Alabama, department store, where she was a tailor's assistant. Her feet, neck and shoulders ached as she arrived at her bus stop to go home. The thought of standing during the ride did not sit well with her, so she let one crowded bus go by. A second, less crowded bus came. She got …

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…work they were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1962, along with Maurice Wilkins. Watson later taught and did research at the California Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Harvard. He was also director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a molecular biology research center. Crick, who had not finished his PhD. when he won the Nobel Prize, has been a researcher with the Salk Institute in California, investigating the origin of life and consciousness.