chinese exclusion act 1882

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Essay Database > History
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882. The Chinese Exclusion Act was not passed because of fear of increasing population the United States. It was passed because of racism. It was also passed because Americans were scared of losing their jobs. Chinese were sought for jobs in mines and railroads. Racial tensions increased as more and more Chinese emigrated, occupied jobs, and created competition for jobs. The Chinese came to America in …

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…impact on the American people as well as on the Chinese. Many reasons were could have been the reason the US applied this act to the Chinese. Many Americans feared losing their jobs, therefore they took action. They also feared the spread of Communism from China. American reputation remains tainted by its racism and inhumane policies towards the Chinese in the latter part of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century