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Essay Database > History
The four-century-long Han rule is divided into two periods: the Earlier or Western Han and the Later or Eastern Han. In between these two was the short-lived Hsin Dynasty (AD 9-23). The Chinese show their pride in Han accomplishments by calling themselves the Han people. Philosophies and institutions that began in the Chou and Ch'in periods reached maturity under the Han. During Han times, the Chinese distinguished themselves in making scientific discoveries, many of which …

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…Development of Taoism as a popular religion finally led to popular rebellions by the Yellow Turbans (eastern China) and the Five Pecks of Rice Band (Szechwan).  Court disarray: court intrigues of palace eunuchs and rulers' maternal relatives.  Rise of autonomous regional war lords.  Generals assigned to put down the rebellions made themselves into autonomous regional war lards.  Ts'ao Ts'ao became the protector of the Han dynasty.  Last emperor abdicated  Science and technology: paper, tea, wheelbarrow