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Essay Database > History
chile By: The country of Chile is located in western South America. The conditions vary with the mountains, deserts, and beaches. Climate The climate is one condition that may vary within different regions. The country extends a long distance from north to south. There is a lack of rainfall to the north. there the air is able to hold much of the moisture. Middle Chile has hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters. The temperatures …

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…There's about 42,745 miles of other, unpaved roads. There's more than 4,280 miles of railways. There are seven major airfields in Chile. With th! e total value of Foreign trade, Chile is one of the leading nations of Latin America. About 90% of all exports is minerals. The second leading group is made up of wood, sheepskins, and fresh and frozen meats. The leading imports are machinery, transportation equipment, and iron and steel products. Word Count: 1190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**