charles dickens

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England but he spent most of his childhood London. Most of the books that he later wrote was based on events and people from his life. His father John Dickens, was a clerk in a navy-pay office and his mother was named Elizabeth Barrow. John Dickens was forced to move with his family to Camden Town in London in 1822 because of his debts. Even after he sold his …

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…authors. It states that it is a more shorter, well written novel compared to other longer stories. The third article talks about the novels that Dickens has written. It says that he got his idea for writing novels while working on The Uncommercial Traveller. It reads that the characters themselves amuse readers even the ones who weren't much important. It talks about the newspapers that he was editor of such as All the Year Round.