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Essay Database > Science & Technology
John krueger URB. Studies 101 October 10, 2000 My second walk took place on October 9, 2000 at 1:30 p.m. This walk is a very familiar route because it is where I grew up for the past 13 years. Southeast Jamaica, Queens is where my neighborhood is located where you can find anything from corner store delis to community centers within walking distance. My walk starts out on Guy Brewer Blvd. where there is mostly residential occupancy. The houses in this …

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…senior citizens. To house the population of seniors there are 2 nursing homes in the area that help out those that are disabled or elderly. The varying age differences you observe are mostly residents of the area. My neighborhood makes me feel comfortable because we all have gone throughout or are going through a struggle sometime in life, but in spite of all our troubles we pull together as a community to help better our surroundings.