cather rye

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Essay Database > History
Stradlater said, but I knew he probably wouldn't... "Ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row." "Okay," Stradlater said, but I knew he wouldn't. (p.33-34) This is seen again when he doesn't trust Stradlater to stop his advances of Jane in the case that she says no. Holden gives up his faith in people to trust him when he boards a bus holding a snowball. The driver refuses to …

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…his parents come close to having him "phsycoanalyzed and all" (p.39) when he breaks all the windows in the garage. Throughout the novel he refers to himself as "a madman" (p.79) which gives the reader the idea that he sees himself as having a sort of mental problem. These two peices of evidence alone present a fairly firm idea of what will happen to Holden towards the end of the story. The Bibliography klk klk