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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sitting in the car
I did this exploriment at South Coast Plaza. I sat in my car for ten minutes in the parking in front of Macy's. I just sat there; the first 3-4 minutes of the exploriment I was bored out of my mind. I started to notice my heart beating, my palms were sweaty, my left eye was twitching, and my stomach was making noises. All of these bodily functions were making their
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into their car. I know that we are not all bad people, but as soon as we are driving we transform into Mr. Hyde trying to bully other people with our cars. Maybe, this is why there's a lot of stories about road rage and people getting into accidents, because they think that they own the road. Hopefully, some of us can grow up and not have to be such *censored*s on the road.
into their car. I know that we are not all bad people, but as soon as we are driving we transform into Mr. Hyde trying to bully other people with our cars. Maybe, this is why there's a lot of stories about road rage and people getting into accidents, because they think that they own the road. Hopefully, some of us can grow up and not have to be such *censored*s on the road.