canals and railroads

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Essay Database > History
Canals, Trains, and Knick-Knacks Initially, prominent American figures did not want the nation to be dependent on manufacturing. They feared the poverty they witnessed in European factory towns would be mimicked, and feared that it would erode American ideals. But as people realized that a stronger economy was needed to ensure the future of the nation, they began to advocate industrialization and feel that it was vital.a Alexander Hamilton can be said to have …

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…importantly for the working class, industrialization brought long hours, low wages, and immoral working conditions. Industrialization transformed the working class into "wage slaves" and the factory owners became the masters. It created larger gaps between the distribution of wealth. Industrialization encouraged people to turn to a more consumer oriented lifestyle, and pulled them away from living as individual farmers. The negative aspects, however, were overshadowed by the economy that was growing rapidly and unstoppable. NOTES