buyer behaviour

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Essay Database > Literature > English
We Are What We Wear In the late 20th century American, the cultural capital of corporations has replaced many human forms of capital. As we buy, wear, and eat logos, we become the henchmen and admen of the corporations, defining ourselves with respect to the social standing of the various corporations. Some would say that this is the new form of tribalism, that in sport corporate logos we ritualize and humanize them, we redefine the …

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…pair of Nikes. Tying into the religious matrix once more, Nikes become iconic signifiers of faith, personal health, and social inclusion. Nike proffers cultural belonging, the promise of individual athletic achievement, and dreams of parity with the world's greatest athletes. Operating on a series of different levels of human understanding, Nike's advertisements actively seek the emotional response necessary to sell shoes, but more importantly, to propagate and sustain the fitness culture. |||| Hincker's Homepage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**