brave new world

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Eight people are traveling to Sticklehaven, where they will catch a boat to Indian Island. They have been invited to spend a week on holiday on the island, but for each it was a vague invitation. Each is curious about what awaits them, and they have very diverse expectations. Most are traveling by train; Marston and Dr. Armstrong are driving. There are eight in all: Vera expects to be employed as a secretary; Blore is …

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…she is quite sure that Hugo is waiting for her. Instead, she sees a noose hanging from the black hook in her bedroom, the hook that previously held the seaweed. She sees that Hugo would want her to hang herself, and then she remembers the last line of the poem: "He went and hanged himself and then there were none." Automatically, she puts her head in the noose and kicks away the chair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**