book review: New Worlds For All

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Essay Database > History
Themes: New Worlds for All, by Colin G. Calloway has several themes. The first theme is the failure of the settlers to acknowledge the fact that the Indians had a whole society set up before they got there. Many settlers came to the New World, not wanting to blend in with the culture that was already there, but to recreate what they had in their homeland. The second important theme is the positive and negative …

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…European way of life, destroying a culture, while others just pushed them off the land into reservations. Questions: 1) Why did the Christian ministers feel they were obligated to convert all Native Americans to Christianity? Why did some think it was their whole purpose in coming to the New World? 2) At the battle of Lake George, why did the Mohawks decide to take the side of the English against the French and other Indian tribes? Why