biography of alexander bell

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Biography of Alexander Bell: Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was educated at the University of Edinburgh and University College, London. He worked in London with his father where he taught the deaf to talk. In 1870 he went to Canada and in 1871 he gave lectures to the teachers of deaf students in Boston and other cities. During the next few years he conducted his own school of vocal physiology in Boston, …

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…the aileron principle and developed the hydroplane. Applying the principles of aeronautics to marine propulsion, his group started work on hydrofoil boats, which travel above the water at high speeds. His final full-sized "hydrodrome", developed in 1917, reached speeds in excess of 113 km/hr and for many years was the fastest boat in the world. He died on August 2, 1922, at Baddeck, where a museum containing many of his original inventions is maintained by the Canadian government.