ben franklin

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Ben Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston Massachusetts. He was one of the greatest American minds of all times. People thought that it seemed unlikely that Benjamin would succeed in becoming a model of the American dream. Benjamin's father, Josiah, pulled him out of school and made Ben help him in trade, only because he did not do well in arithmetic. Gaining very little satisfaction, Josiah decided to apprentice his son in …

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…the only true way to wealth was through hard work. This noble idea became the soul of the "American Dream," the idea that all people are created equal and each person has the same opportunity to achieve success. Ben used his printing skills to print paper money, helping to establish the paper currency system in America. Today we honor Ben's contribution to the economy; every time we use a $100 bill, Ben's face appears on it.