beloved and joy luck club

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Motherhood is a journey that women embark upon in life and endure many struggles, hopes, loves, fears and worries, and opportunities. As a mother, the responsibilities come long before the child is brought into the world. A woman is a mother from conception, and must nurture and care for her child from this point forward. As her child grows up, she can only do her best to give every ounce of love and care she …

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…Likewise, the Chinese mothers of The Joy Luck Club want to protect their daughters from the hardships that they had to withstand. Suyuan had to leave her children on the side of the road. An-mei had to witness her mother being disrespected and disregarded as only a Fourth-wife. Lindo was forced into and arranged marriage where she had no say in her future, and Ying-Ying was part of a bad marriage and drowned her baby.