babe ruth

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Babe Ruth was an incredible distance hitter. In 1920 his hitting average was .376, 54 homeruns, 137 RBIs, .847 slugging average. In the next year Babe increased his averages to .378, 59 homeruns, 171 RBIs, but he decreased his slugging average to .846. During his outfield days he led the leagues slugging average 12 times, homeruns 10 times, RBIs 6 times, batting average once and 123 stolen bases. His other leading averages were runs scored with 8, 11 walks, and he never struck out more than 93 times a season. Babe …

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…finished his career with a .342 average, .690 slugging average, 714 homeruns, and 2,211 RBI's. George Herman Ruth also known as "Babe" or the "Big Bambino" died of throat cancer in 1948. He lived his life as a very talented baseball player. He had left an impact on many baseball fans, not just because of all of his record but who he was as a person in general. Babe Ruth was established greatest baseball player of all time ("Ruth, Babe")