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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The Origin of the Flare The first Flare was done by Canadian gymnast Phillip Delassal in the mid-1970's. It was seen and bit by American Kurt Thomas and competed at the World Gymnastics Championships. The skill is often referred to as a Thomas, or a Thomas Flare because he was the first to use the skill at the World Championships, but props need to be given where they are due and Delassal was the …

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…Gogoladse into a Full Spindle into a Windmill. Ben is now a performing artist with Cirque du Soleil in Los Vegas. Trevor from the Canadian Floor Masters was the first person I ever saw do Flare to Turtle to Flare in the Mid 80's All the common ones like; Flare to Swipes Swipes to Flare Flare to Windmill Windmill to Flare Flare to 1990 And Variations on the Above...ie. Flare to Halo instead of Windmill