aviation industry

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Essay Database > History
THE AVIATION INDUSTRY The Aviation Industry and the Future Abstract This paper looks at the Aviation industry. A description of how the aviation industry includes manufacturing, airport operation, maintenance, and pilots. It looks at how the aviation industry has a positive influence on other business such as sightseeing/tour, hotels, and restaurants. Finally the paper looks at how the industry is doing now and the projections for the future. The aviation industry is alive and …

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…Airline Pilot Hiring. Flying Arlington (1998, August 31). Jobs, Pay at Core of Pilots Strike. USA Today Henderson, Donna K. (1999, Jan.). Guessing Game: Forecast. Air Transport World Toy, Vivian S. (1998, May 27). In Queens, the Borough of Airports, Interest in Aeronautics Careers Revives. New York Times Flint, Perry. (1997, Nov.). Cyberspace Pilots. Air Transport World Anonymous. (1999, Jan.). Private Companies Take Over; NASA Centers in their Hands. National Defense http://www.flydenver.com/emplopps [1999, February] http://www.boeing.com [1999, February]