automobiles in the 20's

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Essay Database > History
Automobiles Of The 1920's For many years after the introduction of automobiles, three kinds of power sources were in common use: steam engines, gasoline engines, and electric motors. In 1920 over 2300 automobiles were registered in New York City, Boston, Massachusetts, and Chicago, Illinois. Of these, 1170 were steam cars, 800 were electric cars, and only 400 were gasoline cars. Gasoline-powered engines eventually became the nearly universal choice for automobiles because they allowed longer trips and faster speeds than engines …

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…as Cadillac, Packard, and Chrysler, began to have an impact on the market. Towards the end of the 20's the stock market crashed. The crash forced many smaller, automakers to close their doors and declare bankruptcy. Some companies held on into the Thirties and Forties, but eventually faded from the scene. Few companies have survived to modern times, but those that have are some of the world's leaders in production and sales today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**