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Essay Database > Literature > English
Austria Austria is the republic in central Europe. It is about 360 miles long and has an area of about 32,378 square miles. Vienna is the country’s capital and largest city. Austria is predominantly a mountainous country, with an average elevation of about 3000 feet. Most of the land falls within the eastern part of the Alps. In general the major mountain ranges of Austria run in an eastern-western direction and are separated from one another by …

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…ularity. An outspoken opponent of immigration and the EU, Haidar won support among working-class Austrians by arguing that both posed dangerous threats to Austrian jobs. He also tapped into a growing dissatisfaction among Austrians over budgetary cuts designed to meet EU criteria for participation in a common European currency by 1999. In January 1997 Vranitzky resigned as chancellor and leader of Austria’s Social Democratic Party. He designated Finance Minister Viktor Klima as his successor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**