australias involvement in viet

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Politics Australia had reasons for wanting to join the Vietnam War, quite apart from considerations of South Vietnamese sovereignty. It was considered necessary to maintain good relations with our alliance partners the United) and constituted a critical step in maintaining a defense. Initially, Australia provided financial support to the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), and when widespread conflict became more widespread, Australia provided military advisers. The United States, who had been keen "observers" of the conflict, …

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…Australian criteria. Lastly, Vietnam should be investigated because its legacy still resonates in the Australian forum. We have had to come to terms with the domestic crisis caused to one of our South-east Asian neighbours, occassioning huge refugee outfluxes, defioliation and social disintegration. Vietnam not only caused tremdous physical and psycological detriment to our own region, but also set back our social integration in the region by portraying us as allied to white western friends.