asian crises

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Feb, 1998 Asian values and the Asian crisis. Author/s: Francis Fukuyama AMERE decade ago, Americans at every level of business and government were being chided for their failure to emulate the example of Asia. The key to that region's economic success was said to be its cultural values--a combination of the work ethic, respect for community and authority, and a tradition of paternalistic government--all of which were contrasted invidiously to the rampant dysfunctionality then plaguing …

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…eventful ones for people on both sides of the Pacific. It would be nice if, for the duration, we could be spared further lectures either about the special advantages or about the special deficiencies of Asian values. FRANCIS FUKUYAMA is Hirst professor of public policy at George Mason University and director of its International Transactions program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT 1998 American Jewish Committee in association with The Gale Group and LookSmart. COPYRIGHT 2000 Gale Group ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**