as a society changes

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Essay Database > Literature > English
With each passing day, people age, babies are born, and people die. Yet, as each day passes on, what happens to the population? Does a majority of the population fall within a certain age bracket, and if so, what is that age bracket? Peter, is the founder and president of Global Business Network, an organization which studies business and demographic trends. He presents an argument stating that a majority of the population will be teenagers …

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…or old. The population shifts and growth rates are really dependent on what economic level the country is. Developed nations will have older population due to technology. The less developed countries will have higher teenager populations due to the high birth rates. Overall, the elderly and young populations will balance causing both to co-exist and not have a dominant population group. Works Cited Bender, David and Bruno Leone. 21st Century Earth. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996.