article on suicide

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Essay Database > Literature > English
My Twin Sister Committed Suicide" The narrator and Sara are identical twin sisters. They did everything together. They also looked and acted exactly alike. They always tried to act different, but it never worked. Their real life story is told in "My Twin Sister Committed Suicide." At home, the twins always walked on eggshells. Their parents were going to eventually get a divorce and their mother was suffering from a mental illness. School was also …

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…receive help for her depression. Her life is still difficult, but getting better. She gets along with her mother, although she feels sad sometimes. She also sometimes is mad at Sara for leaving her, but her sister's spirit gives her a sense of hope and courage. Many factors can cause suicidal thoughts. Sara and her sister exhibited the classic symptoms. Most people may think suicidal thoughts, but there are few that attempt it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**