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Essay Database > Literature > English
Apartheid-The segregation of people by skin color. “Cry freedom cry. From deep inside, where we are all confined.” These words by singer/songwriter Dave Matthews establishes the fact that apartheid, separation of the races, was in fact, a very real thing in South Africa. The natives of South Africa experienced discrimination throughout the South African history. The roots of prejudice lie within the European colonization. Back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the first …

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…the United States. I believe that South Africa will eventually correct what has happened, but scars will still be there from when times were bad. To quote singer/songwriter Dave Matthews, born a South African, once again, he has said in his song Cry Freedom “ Hands and feet are all alike. But fear between divide us, hands and feet are all alike. Hear what I say, hear what I say.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** don't have one