an essay over Warren G. Harding , a former president

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Warren g harding Early political life In the 1890s Harding increased his social and business connections in Marion. He joined the Masons, the Elks, and other fraternal orders. He served as a director of the Marion County Bank, the Marion County Telephone Company, and Marion Lumber Company, and he was a trustee of the Trinity Baptist Church. The influence of his newspaper, his public speaking ability, his friendly personality, and his interest in public affairs …

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…My opinion is that he has had some major accomplishments, which have never been done before. That he was someone who stood up for what he believed and tried the best by his knowledge. Harding was in my opinion a well-educated man, with strong set of values, strong character, and someone who stands up for what he believes in. And I think that someone should be judged on his accomplishments but not on his failures.