an essay abut why in today's scociety people believe that we do need television.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Why we Need Television A black male appears on your television set and immediately a concept enters your mind; you can predict his character. The hypothesis you have formed in an inadequate amount of time would be notably different supposing the subject was white, and you are aware of this. As you continue to watch the television, the program plays out with precision as presumed. The lifestyle, language, and appearance of the character meet your …

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…to find our identity. These are three complicated aspects of our lives. Finding relief or obtaining results to these elements other ways has proved to be very difficult. Television aids this, often without the viewer's awareness. As trivial as television often seems, as brutal, useless, or just plain entertaining it can be, it has become an important tool in our society. One that is activated with such ease as the push of a small button.