air pollution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Air pollution is a very big problem in the United States. A large part of air pollution comes from cars. The Environmental Protection Agency says, "The most polluting activity an average person does everyday is drive their car"(1 factsheet OMS-5). Most people probably aren't aware that they are polluting the environment. Maybe if everyone knew how serious this pollution problem is, they would find ways to reduce the pollution. Most pollution that is released by …

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…Works Cited Brown, Lester R. The World Watch Reader: On Environmental Issues. NewYurk:Norton, 1991. 97-105. The Environmental Protection Agency. Automobiles and Ozone: Factsheet OMS-4. WWW/04-ozone.htm. 1993. 4. The Environmental Protection Agency. Automobile Emission: An overiew: Factsheet OMS-5. www/05-autos.htm. 1994. 1-5. The Environmental Protection Agency. Remote Sensing: A Supplemental Tool for Vehicle Emission Control: Factsheet OMS-15. www/ 15-remot.htm. 1993. 1-2.