africa and asaia's resistance

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Essay Database > History
DURING THE LATE NINETENTH CENTURY, EUROPEANS CONQURED AFRICA AND ASIA. A. Critically examine the kind of arguments Europeans used to justify these actions and whether we can trust these arguments and: European nations and Japan at the end of the 19th century spread their influence and control throughout the continent of Asia.Southeast Asia, unlike many other parts of the world on the eve of European expansion, long had been a cosmopolitan region acquainted with …

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…of the slave trade. Portuguese colonialists did help the Catholic Church establish itself in parts of West Africa, but progress was slow. Catholicism fared better in East Africa, particularly in Madagascar and around Lake Victoria. Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika (now Tanzania), for example, have thriving churches. The record was less triumphant farther south, in no small measure because of Dutch and British Protestant power. Yet there, as elsewhere, independent missionary societies worked despite considerable hardship.