affirmative action

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Affirmative Action: A Bad Idea In the world today there are many laws and requirements that were originally meant to help America, but in fact have ultimately did more harm to our nation. There is a law that is called Affirmative Action, which basically states that an employer with contracts with the government must take Affirmative Action to ensure that they were not discriminating on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin. Quindlen …

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…force. In conclusion, I would just like for people to understand that it takes time for change. Women and minorities cannot expect to be in the same boat as white males when the have only been a part of the workforce for ten to twenty years. They must realize that white males have been in the working class since business ownership started. They just need to give it time and they will slowly catch up.