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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Adolescence for me is the period within human life when most of a person's characteristics are changing from childlike to adultlike. Changes in the body are the most observable occurring at this stage. Other kinds of developments take place such as, intellectual, academic. Social and spiritual. Physical Selves During the phase of Adolescence, girls body is changing in size, shape, and hormonal structure. Adolescent girls focus on their changing bodies. They feel, look and act …

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…much more older than them. I can conclude by personal own experience and by watching at the movie " Welcome to the Dollhouse" that during the stage of Adolescence girls need, loving parents, descent values, useful information, friends, physical safety, freedom to move about independently, respect for their own uniqueness, and encouragement to grow into productive adults. In the case of Dane, she lacked almost all of these which made her developmental stage difficult and painful.