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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What is acid rain? Acid rain is the term for pollution caused when sulfur and nitrogen dioxides combine with atmospheric moisture. The term 'acid rain' is slightly misleading, and would be more accurate if deemed 'enhanced acid rain', as rain occurs acidic naturally. Acidity is measured on what is know as the pH scale. Fourteen is the most basic, seven is the most neutral, and zero is the most acidic. Pure rain has a pH …

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…regulations regarding pollution. Unfortunately, the attempts thus far have been unsuccessful, as the US government requests more testing and studies instead of altering laws. In the recent past, the negotiations between Canada and United States representatives have been hardly reminiscent of efforts put forth by Canadian officials. Many U.S. politicians still qualify acid rain as a 'minor' problem, and it is treated as such, according to Raymond Robinson, chairman of the Canadian Environmental Ass