abortion pill

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Essay Database > Literature > English
FDA okays RU486 after years of controversy By Kate Fodor NEW YORK, Sep 28 (Reuters Health) - After 4 years of controversy and negotiation, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday approved the abortion drug mifepristone, more commonly known as RU-486. The approval comes with some, but not all, of the prescribing restrictions originally discussed as conditions for getting the drug onto the market. Mifepristone, which will be sold under the trade name Mifeprex, will …

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…way through the US approval process since 1996. The final approval from the FDA follows an 'approvable' letter issued to the Population Council in February. Right-to-life groups expressed anger and disappointment over the agency's action. In a prepared statement, Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, called mifepristone 'a chemical assault weapon aimed at the tiniest babies' and called on Congress to hold hearings on the FDA's 'raw, inhumane decision.' (28 Sep 2000 1:55:0 EST) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**