abolish the designated hitter

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Abolish the Designated Hitter Do you prefer a bases loaded double that clears the bases and involves an exciting play at home plate or a boring three-run homerun where the baserunners trot around the bases while the defense stands around with dazed looks about them? Would you prefer stolen bases, squeeze plays, and trying to move the baserunners to make something happen as opposed to a team waiting for someone to hit a homerun? If …

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…NL to maybe 1:1 in the AL. More brawls means more consumption of time. Too much time and too many fights are not something that has always been associated with baseball. Although the DH probably isn't going anywhere, and others may give different reasons for increased time and scores, I would like for you to take about twenty homeruns out of each AL lineup. I bet after you do that the scores and time go down.