a tale of 2 citys summeries

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1-4 It is 1780 (five years after Dr. Manette was brought to London from Paris). Tellson's Bank in London prides itself on inconvenience. If it were welcoming or easy to store money there, then it would lose status. It is obstinate to change and populated by old, withering men. Dickens likens this to the British government at the time. Dickens also tells us that three quarters of the laws in London were punishable by death. He …

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…unbeknownst to anyone but Dr. Manette, Darnay is the new Marquis Evremonde. It is a plea from Monsieur Gabelle, who has been imprisoned by the mob for serving the Evremonde family. Gabelle, who has always been faithful to the Marquis, begs Darnay to return and save him. Darnay decides that it would be wrong to let this man die. He writes letters explaining himself to Lucie and the doctor, then leaves for Paris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**