a summary on the danger of depression, the symptoms, why teens get depression, and the treatment for depression.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Teenage depression About 4 out of 100 teenagers get seriously depressed each year. Sure, everybody feels sad or lonely now and then. But if you're sad most of the time, and it's giving you problems with your grades, your relationships with your family and friends, alcohol, drugs, sex, or if it's controlling your behavior in other ways, then the problem may be depression. Clinical Depression is a serious illness that can affect anybody, including teenagers. It can …

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…feelings with a psychologist who can help you change the stuff that's causing the depression. Medicine is used to treat depression that is severe. Antidepressant medications are not "uppers" and are not addictive. When depression is so bad that you can't focus on anything else, medication might be what you need, in addition to counseling. But most often, counseling alone works. With treatment, most depressed people start to feel better in just a few weeks.