a bill

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Mock Congress Bill In the House of Representatives Representative introduces the following bill, which was referred to the committee on January tenth twenty thousand and one. Section One: Cigarettes are killing the uneducated youth. This bill is targeted towards the youth and protecting them against making the terrible decision to smoke. This bill will change the amount of smokers because the bill is going to make cigarettes less a part of society and make them …

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…to the D.A.R.E. (Dare to keep kids off Drugs) program and kids are to be educated just as much as drugs as cigarettes. 6. Beginning Jan 1, 2002 Cigarettes are to be sold in colorless packages that have no identification on them but the simple name printed in black plain ink. 7. Beginning Jan 1, 2002 Cigarette prices are to be raised a dollar and that extra dollar is to be donated to the National Lung Cancer Association.