Zen Corporation-W. Africa-MGT/448Comprhensive Analysis Paper

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Comprehensive Analysis The following represents a comprehensive analysis from Zen Corporation. Our team will provide an explanation on our company and product, the area in which we wish to market our product, and an analysis on the area we chose collectively as a group. We feel that we are able to better service the country of Nigeria with our drinking water filtration system in an effort to help make people's lives a little easier. Description …

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…Freedom to the Heart of Despair 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books Group. Nigeria, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Washington, D.C. 2005. Obtained from http://www.nigeriaembassyusa.org/econ.shtml. March 11, 2006. Stock, Robert, B.A., M.A., PhD., 2005. "Nigeria", Microsoft ® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2005. Obtained from http://encarta.msn.com, March 11, 2006. The World Factbook, 2006. Obtained from http:// cia.fog/cia.gov/cia/-publications/factbook/geos/ni.httml, March 11, 2006.