Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link---From the NES to the GBA

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link is a follow-up to the prequel The Legend of Zelda for the NES. Now released on the GBA, everyone can finally have the chance to play such a wonderful game. Some people discriminate this game due to the opinion that is so different from the original Legend of Zelda, but I personally find it a better game that is much more intruiging to play. Here is the …

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…that makes enemies tremble with fear Thunder- The most powerful magic attack. It damages all enemies on the screen, and Link must be very strong to use it. Link must travel through mountains, swamps, forests, deserts, and sea's to complete his quest to awaken Princess Zelda. Only Link has the courage to go on this dangerous adventure, and if he fails, Ganon shall return and destroy the land of Hyrule and all that surround it.