"Z for Zachariah" By Robert O' Brien.

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"Z for Zachariah" " Z for Zachariah" is the title of the science fiction novel that I have been studying. It was written by Robert O' Brien which was first published in 1973 and was written during the "Cold War", wrote it. The plot of the novel is basically about isolation and the struggle to survive not directly a nuclear war but the after effects. The main character in the novel is Ann Burden, from Burden Valley, …

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…of events that helps her to make a final decision to steal the radioactive wagon and safe-suit to venture out to the unknown to find a better way of living. A relatively short novel, but long in meaning, leaving me to ponder many questions, one in particular I kept on asking myself was, " what if I was the only person on earth!" I certainly would recommend this novel to be read by teenagers and upwards.