Yusef Komunyakaa with bibliography

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I searched through the list of authors we had been given, and chose Komunyakaa after reading through the names of available authors. I went on to Google, and searched for information about him. I opened the first website on the list, and was pleasantly surprised by the interestingly bizarre poems written by Komunyakaa, such as "You and I are Disappearing", "Ode to the Maggot", and "Camouflaging the Chimera". Reading through his poems, I found that, …

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…thing apart. Little Master of earth, no one gets to heaven Without going through you first. Bibliography: Jones, Paul "The Internet Poetry Archive" Yusef Komunyakaa <www.ibiblio.org/ipa/komunyakaa> The Academy of American Poets 1997--2004 Yusef Komunyakaa <www.poets.org/LIT/poet/ykomufst.htm> Brunner, Edward "Modern American Poetry" Yusef Komunyakaa <www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/ poets/g_l/komunyakaa/komunyakaa.htm>