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Essay Database > History > European History
Yugoslavia. As a nation, Yugoslavia was established in 1918, after World War I. Its core was SERBIA (which had already been independent), joined by Montenegro (another independent country) and former Austro-Hungarian areas inhabited by southern Slavic peoples. On the eve of World War II, Yugoslavia had a population of 15,500,500, 43 percent of whom were Serbs, 34 percent Croats, 7 percent Slovenes, and 7 percent Macedonians; the rest were Germans, Hungarians, Albanians, Jews, and Gypsies. By religion, 49 percent belonged to the …

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…but within a few years, when the state of Israel was established, most of them left to make their home in the Jewish state. At present about five thousand Jews live in Yugoslavia, mostly in Belgrade, Zagreb, and Sarajevo. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY *The Historiography of the Holocaust Period; Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, March 1983. *Encyclopedia of the Holocaust; Israel Gutman, Editor in Chief; Macmillan Publishing Company, New York; Collier Macmillan Publishers, London; 1990. *Encyclopedia Judaica; 1996. *Map of Yugoslavia, Encyclopedia Britannica 2000.