Youth suicide, a growing issue on Australian shores.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Carefree, well-educated and FULL of potential - that's the youth of the new millennium! Statistically we are living longer and have a better quality of life than past generations. Yet suicide, in PARTICULAR youth suicide, continues to be a major issue on our shores. Although statistics vary from study to study, most informed people agree that youth suicide is a major and increasing problem within the Australian community. Young people aged 15 -24, have one of …

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…the weather on our local, national and international news. Isn't it remarkable with this astounding level of communication technology, we as individuals have not learnt the art of appreciating the good things in life, the simple things and COMMUNICATING our inner feelings with each other. So before we take any steps toward SOLVING the issue of youth suicide in our community we must FIRST find some HOPE and DELIVER IT to the youth of today.